Session in 'Videoteka'

Session in 'Videoteka'

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📼 Are you ready for a session in the "Videoteka"?

Lousy weather. Rain. Gunshots. Dead bodies falling. A robber clutches a bag filled with money. While he's being hunted on the streets of Belgrade, he hides in an abandoned video rental store. The night is long. The TV and VCR are working. He watches three videotapes, three horrors: a dragging folk tale, a mystic story about a devilish contract, and a perverse thriller about a maniac. Is it just a movie? Or does it distort reality?

The film is stylishly shot: the neon screen reminds of both "Ecstasy" and "The Neon Demon," and of music videos. Not surprisingly, Luka Bursac (born 1990) successfully made videos for Serbian rap musicians, and one of the main roles in "Videoteka" was played by Relja Popovic.

"Videoteka" did well in 2024. And also Luka... is one of those who stood up for the "Zvezda" cinema. And also... We promise — the conversation will be no less interesting than the movie! 

😜 Serbian; subtitles are  Russian! screening by Kuchi Geeks, "Auditorium" and Luka 🤪

Session in 'Videoteka'
Belgrade, Војводе Добрњца 48
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