Discussion "The Spiritual Legacy of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg: Faith, Miracles, and Heritage"

Discussion "The Spiritual Legacy of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg: Faith, Miracles, and Heritage"

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🗣☦️Discussion dedicated to the study of the spiritual heritage of St. Xenia of Petersburg

On March 11 at 19:00, a discussion "The Spiritual Legacy of St. Xenia of Petersburg: Faith, Miracles, and Heritage" will take place at the Russian House in Belgrade, organized by the Serbian spiritual portal "Religija.rs".

Born between 1719 and 1730, the blessed Xenia of Petersburg was revered during her lifetime as a helper in sorrows and a miracle worker.  She was canonized on February 6, 1988, at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. 

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia, about the life of St. Xenia of Petersburg, her place in the Orthodox world, and her influence on the spiritual life of believers will be discussed by Protopriest Ivan Cvetković, rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Mudarakovic, Kruševac, where there is a chapel dedicated to St. Xenia of Petersburg, and Mother Zlata (Pantelić), the abbess of the Monastery of the Holy Mother of God "Trojeručica" in the village of Drobnjaci near Belgrade.

After the speakers' presentations, time will be allocated for audience questions.

Discussion "The Spiritual Legacy of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg: Faith, Miracles, and Heritage"
Belgrade, Kраљице Наталије 33
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