In the lecture, you will learn about the rites of passage (birth, marriage, death) in the ethnography of the Southern Slavs and get answers to the most pressing questions:
🐈⬛️ What mystical troubles await an ordinary resident of the Balkans throughout their life?
🐈⬛️ How can one be so unlucky at birth to be doomed to become undead after death?
🐈⬛️ How many people should guard a wedding from witchcraft, and why does the bride jump at the threshold of the house?
🐈⬛️ How to become a vampire after death (a dozen ways to suit any taste)?
But don't worry: you will definitely be told how to protect yourself from all these misfortunes!
Irina Vedernikova (Martha) - amateur ethnographer, has been engaged in Central Russian ethnography for 15 years, collaborates with museums, and is the author of the TG channel "From Martha about ETHNO". After moving, she became interested in Serbian ethnography and translates books on Balkan ethnography.