Wednesday and the Haunted Castle

Wednesday and the Haunted Castle

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Unforgettable Halloween for kids from 5 years old!

Wednesday invites all young adventurers to embark on a mysterious journey through an old castle 🏰 


But don't think it will be an ordinary walk. When night falls, shadows come alive in the castle, mysterious sounds echo, and somewhere in the distance, the clattering of dishes is heard... 😱

Here are just some of the challenges that await you:

👻 Defeat the cunning Barabash

🔍 Create a ghost detector

🍲 Descend to the kitchen of the Evil Cook

🌲 Solve the mystery of the dancing forest

And that's not all... We'll keep the rest a secret to surprise you on the spot! 😉

It will be bright, fun, and... truly Halloween-like!

Wednesday and the Haunted Castle
Belgrade, Илије Гарашанина 7a
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