Cinema club. Film "Barry Lyndon" (1975)

Cinema club. Film "Barry Lyndon" (1975)

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🎥 Movie: "Barry Lyndon" (1975), directed by Stanley Kubrick

A free adaptation of William Thackeray's picaresque novel, describing the life and adventures of a simple Irish lad and adventurer Redmond Barry. The action of the movie takes place in the 18th century, a period which Kubrick recreated with special care and meticulousness. 

18:00 - 21:00 - screening of the film in its original language (English) with Russian subtitles.
21:00 - 22.00 - time to discuss the film, exchange impressions, share emotions, express and hear opinions.

Cinema club. Film "Barry Lyndon" (1975)
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Belgrade, Шафарикова 6
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