Meeting of the women's book club 'Reflexio'

Meeting of the women's book club 'Reflexio'

Event Language

Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ"

  On the last Saturday of February, we will meet in the cozy space of "Auditorium" over a cup of coffee and discuss insights, quotes, and ideas from the book, as well as key questions:

▪️how does emotional intelligence help avoid burnout and conserve energy?

▪️is empathy an innate trait or a skill that can be developed?

▪️how to learn to recognize your feelings, avoid impulsive decisions, and manage stress?

Special bonuses for participants:

🗝a book summary (we'll send it a week before the meeting to remind you of its content)

🗝a workbook for effective and thoughtful engagement with the book

Meeting of the women's book club 'Reflexio'
Belgrade, Војводе Добрњца 48
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