Electronic music concert. Dino Psaras & Lucas O’Brien

Electronic music concert. Dino Psaras & Lucas O’Brien

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Main Stage:

  • Dino Psaras — a legendary artist and pioneer of psychedelic electronics, known for his powerful sets and hypnotic sound.
  • Lucas O’Brien — a master of the genre with a unique approach to creating rhythms and melodies.
  • Aki Species — a name associated with innovations and experiments in electronic music.
  • Aquapipe — an artist who takes listeners into the depths of sound waves.
  • Albert and Sivi — creators of energetic sets that will definitely not leave fans of electronic music indifferent.

Small Stage:

  • Vitanov 
  • Matej Rusmir 
  • Schwabe 
Electronic music concert. Dino Psaras & Lucas O’Brien
Belgrade, Булевар деспота Стефана 115
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