Let's immerse ourselves in the past atmosphere, in the heart of Serbian traditions and the avant-garde — the House of Evrem Grujic. In this historical monument, where the fates of young Serbia were once decided, we will visit the exhibition “Velikanke srpske kulture” about outstanding women who changed society with their courage and talent.
As part of the exhibition:
👉 we will examine the interiors of the House of Evrem Grujic in the style of French Neo-baroque and Neo-renaissance
👉 get acquainted with the history of the House: from grand balls and diplomatic meetings to the first disco in Belgrade
👉 learn about the fates and achievements of 20 outstanding personalities, including artists, actresses, scientists, human rights activists, and queens
👉 see paintings and magazine covers of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, created by Milena Pavlović-Barili — the only Serbian artist who became part of the European surrealist movement
👉 immerse ourselves in the travels of the writer Elena Dimitrijevic, who, in the early 20th century, traveled around Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and America, describing the lives of women from different cultures
💬The tour will be conducted in Serbian with translation into Russian.