Lecture. Bilingual societies and language policy in the world in 2024

Lecture. Bilingual societies and language policy in the world in 2024

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The scientific club SciCup has found an amazing lecturer with a super-relevant topic for us and you. Please welcome!

Stanislav Gurevich - a linguist, educator with more than 30 years of experience, founder and leader of the project "Summer Schools in Narva-Jõesuu", co-chairman of the organizing committee and member of the jury of the International Linguistics Olympiad for students.

In the lecture, we will discuss:
🌍 How bilingualism works at the level of family, school, and state.
🌍 How different types of language policies affect the development, status, and interaction of languages in areas of the world where more than one language is spoken.
🌍 All of this - supported by historical-anthropological data and examples from all over the globe from Estonia to Brazil.

Lecture. Bilingual societies and language policy in the world in 2024
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Belgrade, Шафарикова 6
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