The Lost Mirror

The Lost Mirror

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On November 20 at 8:00 PM in Belgrade, there will be a stellar reprise of the nostalgic, magical, and hopeful musical performance 'The Lost Mirror'. It's a fairy tale about the adventures of a handheld mirror with a star fragment on its handle, which escapes from thieves and vagabonds, converses with a Dressing Table and a mermaid professor, gets captured by a Dive Bird, and provides great assistance to its owners. The costumes for the performance were created from improvised materials by a team of artists from several countries under the guidance of Polina Grechko and Maria Levina. The music for the performance was composed by the group SBP4, including well-known audio tales and new compositions created specifically for this performance. They will be performed live by the artists of the production. The show will take place against the backdrop of video decorations with illustrations by Pavel Pepperstein.
The Lost Mirror
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
Belgrade, Митрополита Петра 8
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