Modern Circus performance 'Suitcases'

Modern Circus performance 'Suitcases'

ru, int
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In the performance "Suitcases," the audience will encounter short stories with circus elements that collectively create a narrative about one suitcase. Four performers, using artistry, juggling, the Circus Wheel, and contemporary dance, tell about the last two years of their lives, asking themselves serious questions. The show combines an honest look at life, faith in it, and care for others, giving us the strength to continue our journey. The duration of the performance is 1 hour. The production is designed for adults and children aged 10 and up, although the decision regarding a child's participation is up to the parents.
Modern Circus performance 'Suitcases'
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
Belgrade, Митрополита Петра 8
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