Cinema. The film "Frau" directed by Lyuba Mulmenko

Cinema. The film "Frau" directed by Lyuba Mulmenko

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Director and screenwriter - Lyubov Mulmenko.
In the main roles - Liza Yankovskaya and Vadik Korolev.

This is what Anton Dolin says about the film and why it is worth watching: "This is Lyubov Mulmenko's modern fairy tale about two good people and their unhappy love. Vadik Korolev plays a store clerk at 'Hunter and Fisherman', and Liza Yankovskaya is a ballerina. The very idea of an imaginary individual world and its poor compatibility with neighboring capsule utopias seems extremely timely, even if it carries an exclusively lyrical, not political, hue here. Behind the detached ironic tone, there is also a genuine pain about how distorted and mangled Tolstoy's family thought is in Russia, which is currently going through another 'Year of the Family'.
Is it in principle possible to gain freedom from unbearably stifling behavioral patterns? The final frames of 'Frau' give a vague hope for this."

Director and screenwriter Lyubov Mulmenko will be happy to watch the film with you and discuss it afterwards.

And we have prepared another surprise: at the end of the evening, we'll share a promo code with you for the screening of Mulmenko's debut film 'Danube', a travelogue about love in a Balkan spirit.

We are eagerly looking forward to the screening of 'Frau', which will open a series of contemporary cinema screenings by our compatriots.

Cinema. The film "Frau" directed by Lyuba Mulmenko
Dorćol Platz
Dorćol Platz
Dorćol Platz
Dorćol Platz
Dorćol Platz
Belgrade, Dobračina 59
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