IT Meetup

IT Meetup

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Hello everyone! 
The international IT company Akvelon invites everyone to a free offline Meetup in Belgrade🔥

Topics of the presentations: 
🔸Parallelizing tests in .NET and CI pipelines
🔸Scaling microservices using horizontal auto-scaling (HPA) in Kubernetes
🔸Using feature flags for flexible releases in production and improving parallel work on tasks

⚡️Details of the event and registration are already available via the link⚡️
Limited places available!

⏳Duration: 2.5 hours + friendly talks

IT Meetup
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
CK Vlada Divljan
Belgrade, Митрополита Петра 8
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