'Interstellar' analysis of the film with an astrophysicist

'Interstellar' analysis of the film with an astrophysicist

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"From the Theory of Relativity to Black Holes: Analyzing 'Interstellar'"! Together with an astrophysicist, let's watch the film and discover where science ends and artistic fiction begins📹

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the release of 'Interstellar', created by Christopher Nolan. The scientific consultant for the film was physicist and future Nobel laureate Kip Thorne. This led to the belief that everything in the film is scientifically accurate. But is it really? How realistically is a black hole depicted? Could habitable planets exist near such objects? Are interstellar travels possible?

Answers to these questions will be provided at the lecture hall Science Hub by Vyacheslav Avdeev — a researcher at the Astrocosmic Center of FIAN and author of the YouTube channel "Ulitsa Shklovskogo". Come to see 'Interstellar' through the lens of modern science!

'Interstellar' analysis of the film with an astrophysicist
Belgrade, Џорџа Вашингтона 28
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