Supplementary Education Fair

Supplementary Education Fair

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🤸‍♂️ Discover a new facet of knowledge and creative activity at the Supplemental Education Fair at Intellectum Academy!

 We invite you to become part of an event that brings together people with a thirst for the new and interesting. Don't miss the chance to expand your horizons and find an activity you love: 

▪️Immerse yourself in the rhythms of hip-hop or start learning the Serbian language 

▪️Hone your mathematical skills in olympiad mathematics 

▪️Support the Russian language with the 'Curious Caterpillar' program 

▪️Get into robotics or try your hand at theatrical master classes. Let every moment at the fair become an inspiration for your development and growth!

Supplementary Education Fair
Belgrade, Булевар војводе Бојовића 14
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