Supplementary Education Fair

Supplementary Education Fair

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🎨 Join us on an exciting journey into the world of knowledge and creativity at the Continuing Education Fair!

 You will have a unique opportunity to open new horizons, learning from experienced educators who can inspire and motivate. Art, technology, and creativity merge to offer you and your children a lavish selection of activities for every taste: 

▪️Immerse yourself in the philosophy of Japanese martial arts 

▪️Enhance your English language skills in the friendly atmosphere of the English Speaking Club 

▪️Develop vocal talents and chess mastery

 ▪️Dive into the world of programming and ceramics

 ▪️Express yourself in acrobatics and theatrical workshops Each event promises to be bright and exciting! Learn and grow with pleasure!

Supplementary Education Fair
Belgrade, Булевар војводе Бојовића 14
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