Training 'Girls in Safety'

Training 'Girls in Safety'

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This training is for girls aged 12-13. Typically, at this age, they start to accumulate quite a few situations that are difficult for them to discuss with their parents. In the training, we discuss typical situations that girls encounter and different algorithms that help them protect themselves. You can come to the training with a group of friends.

We will discuss:

  • How to react if a stranger approaches under any pretext?
  • Quick rebuttal algorithm in situations like 'Girl, let's get acquainted' and other cases of street harassment.
  • What to say, where to run, and how to ask for help if needed?
  • Ways to reliably protect against online problems.
  • Sexual harassment and blackmail - preventive measures and appropriate response.
  • What to do if it seems too late to escape?

Conducted by: Olga Demidova - children's safety trainer, educational psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences.

“Stop Threat” is a safety school for children, parents, and teachers in 85 cities in Russia, and for the past year - in Belgrade. The training aims to reduce the risk of abduction, violence, blackmail, bullying, and addiction. It develops skills for safe behavior in children aged 5–17 in the street, at home, online, in groups, and in emergencies.

Training 'Girls in Safety'
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Belgrade, Шафарикова 6
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