Lecture. 'The Mathematics of Elections, Part 1'

Lecture. 'The Mathematics of Elections, Part 1'

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The first lecture is dedicated to the paradoxes of elections, which show that it's important not only how voters vote, but also by what rule the result is calculated. This is not about fraud: let's assume we live in an ideal world without carousel voting, ballot stuffing, and false entries. All shortcomings will be mathematical. The lecturer will also talk about Arrow's theorem of dictatorship, which will lead to the idea: if you want to avoid paradoxes, dictatorship is unavoidable. (long live paradoxes!) In the second part, in a week, we will analyze the US election system: the House of Representatives and what went wrong with the ideal system that the founding fathers tried to develop. Lecturer: Vera Katyakova - math teacher, olympiad compiler, coach of the Novosibirsk math team. The level of math in the lecture is understandable to 6-8 grade students, so don't worry! )
Lecture. 'The Mathematics of Elections, Part 1'
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