Symphonic performance "The Lord of the Rings"

Symphonic performance "The Lord of the Rings"

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Immerse yourself in the amazing world of Middle-earth with a symphonic performance based on the iconic trilogy 'The Lord of the Rings'! 🎻 The 'Lords of the Sound' orchestra will perform majestic melodies – from the joyful tunes of the Shire to the mystical and ominous sounds of Mordor and the magical songs of the Elves.

You will experience a stunning light show, original costumes, and sets that recreate the spirit of the famous saga. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this musical extravaganza!

Symphonic performance "The Lord of the Rings"
Belgradi, Дечанска 14
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გადმოტვირთოთ ბელგრადის ღონისძიებები თქვენს მობილურზე.
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